A 1-2-week retreat in Yoyo’s favorite venue: Villa Eva in Samos.
This retreat is about falling – or rather: rising – in love with who we have become as a ‘separate self’, and remembering who/what it is that chose to embark on this awesome earthly journey.
In order to fully enjoy our physical existence, we have to come to terms with the duality that allows us to have experiences in a time-bound body, living in a world of seemingly irreconcilable opposites.
Not until we embrace both the agonies and ecstasies of our manifestation can we become our own best friend and will we experience – on a deeper level – the bliss of being that we remember from our childhood.
For this, we may have to navigate through layers of conditioning, (self) judgment, suppressed feelings and physical tensions.
In a pleasant holiday atmosphere we explore and celebrate the mystery of being. Our tools are sharing, dance, yoga, healing touch, creative expression and meditation.
Sailing through bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts (and having a lot of fun in the process) we (re-)connect with that indescribable yet undeniably present ‘something’ that unites us in delight and wonder.
The programme organically adapts to what comes up moment to moment.
For options and investment, click: Samos retreat 2019 options and investment.